
This week went to fast! I think when you do something on a monday, acting like its still friday, then the week is just passing by ๐Ÿ™‚

I havent done so much this week… Went home to Cecilia earlier this week but other than that I havent done so much… Just work, work and work.ย The weather starts to be really shit here so it havent been weather for hanging in the park so just be at home with Conny, do my exercise, eat, sleep and work. Everything is like it always is here in Oslo for me ๐Ÿ™‚ But I like it…. Just work my ass off for a few month and then I can do what ever I want to do the rest of the year ๐Ÿ™‚ Just how I like it!

32 days of work and 3 days off, thats how I have been working the last weeks and I always start 07:00! I hate to get up that early everyday! It should be forbidden to get up before 08:00 and everyone should start work after 09:00. Im a night person, call me a vampire…. I dont like to be up that early and its still dark and really cold and everyone around you, including yourself, looks like shit because everyone is stressed in the morning…. People fix their makeup in the bus, doing their hair, eating breakfast, drinking coffee so they start to get human… Why cant people just be more relaxed!? Just live for the moment and have fun, it works for me ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now its only 20min left until Im finish work and it stopped raining and the sun is shining ๐Ÿ™‚ I dont know what to do today but Conny, my roomie, have some guests from Sweden so I guess we will go out tonight but Im working from 08:00 tomorrow so I guess it will be a hard day tomorrow if I go out ๐Ÿ™‚

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About melinaka1

Travel is the only thing you buy, that makes you richer. I love to travel, I did my first travel with a friend when I was 15 and after that I couldnt stop... I want to see more, more and more. But the most importaint thing for me is all the people I meet, all the new experience they give me and all the amazing storys they have and with a mix of everything I get more brave, explored, smarter, so in the end I get richer of life

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